Sunday, May 24, 2009

Cullen & "The Mobile"

Cullen wanted me to post a short video of his FAVORITE activity, aside from the swing of course - watching the mobile. He smiles, coos, and giggles at the rotating green bunnies. He just loves the mobile. We must visit the mobile at least 3 times a day. It truly brightens his day. He is really growing and changing these past few weeks - a whole new world has opened up for him :) It is so exciting to watch (and he is the cutest baby in the world too).

Saturday, May 2, 2009

The Dreaded Tummy Time with Dad - May 2, 2009

Daddy made me use the dreaded tummy time today - one day after my 4 week birthday. He knows I HATE TUMMY time - but is determined to follow the doctors orders. He knows I am an "Advanced" child - but insists on using that childish tummy time contraption. Some day he will realize I don't need tummy time.... someday...

My First Big Boy Bath! - April 29, 2009

I waited almost four weeks for my umbilical cord to fall out for that long awaited big boy bath! Daddy got to use the big boy bath cup and scrubbed me clean. I loved it! Thank you Daddy for giving me the best baths :)

My Family and Friends Visit! - April 2009

April was a busy month for me! Not only was I new to this world, but all my new family and friends came and visited me! I love them so much! I just wish they lived closer. Carol and Rich Massengill, Uncle Georgie and Aunt Liz, and Aunt Heather and Uncle Dee came from far and wide to see me. I can't thank them enough!